Frequently Ask Questions

Do you ship internationally?

We currently ship everywhere in North America. We will be expanding sales to the UK soon.

What is the shelf-life of your sauces?

  • Unopened sauces have a shelf-life of 12 months.
  • Opened sauces should be refrigerated and consumed within 4 weeks.

What is your order processing speed?

We strive to process your orders very quickly and ship out within 1-3 business days.

What is your standard return policy?

Because our products are perishable and for the safety of all of our customers, all food sales are final. We will be happy to replace any item(s) in the unlikely event that they might be damaged or spoiled during transit. To make sure that you are satisfied with the food you receive, please inspect the contents as soon as the order arrives. If there are any issues with your order upon arrival, please reach out to us immediately at with your order number.

What are the ingredients in our Jiffy Jollof sauce?


- Red Bell Peppers
- Onion
- Roma Tomatoes
- Ginger
- Garlic
- Habanero Peppers

- Tomato Paste
- Tomato Sauce

Spices & Seasonings:
- Curry Powder
- Thyme
- Spice
- Salt

- Canola Oil

Our jiffy jollof sauce is crafted with a blend of fresh vegetables, savory sauces, and a unique mix of spices and seasonings to deliver an authentic and rich flavor. We carefully select each ingredient to ensure the highest quality and taste.

What is the processing speed for expedited shipping?

When you select expedited shipping, your order will be processed and shipped faster than with our standard shipping option. Typically, orders placed with expedited shipping are processed and shipped the same day if placed before 2 PM CST Delivery usually occurs within 2-3 business days from the shipping date, depending on your location.